Introduction to Bobath (Module 2)
The Integration of Postural Control and Selective Movement for Functional Activities (Part A)
Duration:Friday October 10th 2pm – 6pm and Saturday 11th 9am-4pm
Course Tutor: Sue Armstrong
Course Description: This BBTA module will include patient demonstrations, theoretical and practical sessions. It will focus on the assessment and treatment of the acute and sub-acute patient.
Course Aims:
- To identify a framework for assessment and treatment of the acute/subacute patient
- To develop skills of observation, analysis, and facilitation in a neurologically intact subject
- To link the evidence base and clinical practice
Learning Outcomes:
- Describe key components relating to the analysis of position/postural sets (supine and sitting) and movement sequences (supine to sit, sit to supine)
- Analyse movement in terms of efficiency and recognise potential causes for lack of efficiency
- Understand the wide posture and tonal variations within neurologically intact population
- Problem solve appropriate handling in individual models with respect to facilitation of movement
Suitable for: Qualified Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists working in neurology
Cost: £240.
How to Apply:
Please either email your interest to or telephone on 0161 7930003.