What is the Bobath Concept?
The Bobath Concept is the most widely used approach in neurorehabilitation for the assessment and treatment of adults and children with damage to the brain or spinal cord. It involves skilled clinical reasoning and problem solving on an individual basis to create a ‘bespoke’ treatment plan.
The Bobath Concept is an evolving framework which incorporates developments in research into clinical practice.
At MNC, all of our physiotherapists use the Bobath Concept as their framework for practice. International Bobath instructors working at the clinic lead the education and facilitate the high level of skills attained by all of the MNC team.
Everybody is affected differently by damage to the brain or spinal cord, our therapists understand current research in motor control, motor learning and neuroplasticity (changing connections in the central nervous system) as well as having in-depth knowledge of movement analysis (how we move) allowing treatment to be bespoke to the individual.
Skilled handling by MNC therapists helps each individual tune into their own movements and develop improved balance and coordination. This has a positive effect on the central nervous systems (brain and spinal cord) organisation resulting in functional activities being easier and less effortful.
Research over more than half a century has found that the brain has an amazing capacity to reorganise and relearn movements lost after brain injury. As Bobath therapists we aim to direct this learning to ensure the best possible recovery is made by each person.

Bobath Concept at MNC
At MNC we treat adults of all ages and varying levels of function. We have found that even people with longstanding neurological deficits show potential to make significant changes in functional movement.
The Bobath Concept can also be used as a framework to assess and treat people with complex movement disorders that are not due to neurological damage.